Women's Fours to be played at Ngongotaha, Men will be played at TGA Domain

Where do the results disappear to after an competition finishes?

The results are moved to a 'Completed' file soon after the event is finalised. This can be located on a mobile phone / tablet in results and where the page shows 'active' use up or down arrows to show 'completed. There is also upcoming competitions shown here. On a PC move across to 'completed'.

Why can't I see all the entry form on my phone?

BowlsHub is written for PC type use so you must rotate your phone on it's side, this will allow you to see the whole entry page. If your phone has 'rotate' locked consult Mr google and search 'how to unlock rotate'.

Why does BowlsHub say I am 'unfinancial' when I login?

The BowlsHub programme has an option to charge users, but Bowls New Zealand does not charge for this useage. When you see this message it is about not being financial just ignore it, BowlsHub has no access to your Club membership status or any Club financial records.

What is the best way to login to BowlsHub?

Either go to Bowls BOP website and hit 'Enter an event button or Bowls New Zealand website and find BowlsHub button.

How can I find a players I.D. number when doing an entry?

When you are entering a player in your team you can search in the top right hand corner by player name. This now includes all players who are registered on BowlsHub in New Zealand.